Haigher dam

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  تاریخ پایان
  اعتبار کل پروژه
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Haigher Storage  Dam


Data    characteristic : 


      Contract title: Detailed Design  of  Haigher Dam  and water  conveyer route system  for  irrigation,  Potable   and  Industrial  Purposes.

      Location of  site, 45 km  from Firuz-abad (35 km in  main Road of  Firuz-abad  to Qir  plus 10 km  diversion  road ).


a)      site locata of  Haigher  Dam

This large  dam is located  at the entrance of  Haigher Gorge, on Firuz-abad river at 45 km from Firuz-abad City at  the end  of Firuz –abad  plain  with coordinate 28°-39'  Northing and  52°-41'  Easting. 

Main resources of this river are collecting the water from Hanifaqan  springs with 23 exits having the average discharge of 2.5Cms to 5Cms. Several tributaries are Joining to this river when arrives to Tangab dam site. Annual average discharge of river at Tangab Dam is about
117 MCM/year. In Sub-basin, between Tangab  Dam on Firuz–abad  river reach to  Haigher Dam has a catchments area  of 917km2. After construction and operation of Tangab dam the annual river discharge at Haigher Dam site is about 164 MCM/y. This river  has  flood character  but 3 main springs in Firuz-abad plain are joining to that  river. The name and mean annual discharge of these springs are Qomp Ateshkadeh, Rudbal and   Sarkhergheh+Alikhergeh having respectively discharge of 32MCM, 22MCM/y and 15 MCM/year. From that amount at least  28 percent  of  this water is using  for  irrigation and about 50 MCM/y inflowing to Firuz-abad river to reach to Haigher Reservoir Dam. Water quality of  those springs  and  raining  flood  are  very   good  with  TDS (  total  dissolve  solid )  between  280 to 580 mgr/lit.

      Friuz-abad river inflowing to Haigher Gorge with length  of  about 12 km.  Elevation of  river at  the  entrance of  Gorge  is  about 1103 m and  at  the  exit  near Dehrud village,  the  Ground Elevation of Regulation  Dehrud  dam is  about   840m.

      About 2 km after Dehrud regulating dam the influence of  salt Domes, ( Diapir  plug )  disturb  completely the  quality  of  this  suitable   water  to  salty  water.  It  means, when  Firuz-abad  river is  crossing salty  area and  receiving the  water of   some  saline  springs the average  TDS  of water  increases from  400 mgr/lit to  11,000-12,000  mgr/lit  which is  out of  usable  water. After  crossing  completely  contaminating area the name of river changes to Shur  river ( river of saline water )  and  it collects  some  other  tributaries  to become Monde  River with  lower  TDS  ( about 2,800-4,000 mgr/lit)  to  reach to  Persian  Gulf. 

      However,  the aim of  construction of  Haigher  Dam is to collect,  regulate and use  this suitable water for the  purpose  of drinking,  Industrial  and irrigation  for arable lands ( in some parts ) of  Firuz-abad  river  Bank. After  salty  area, by  means of 5.3km Tunnel and 18.5km pipeline to reach arable lands, then main pipeline goes to southern Industrial towns of petroleum and gas refinery like: Ala-Marvdast, Mohr, Lamerd and Jam cities. The conveyer route transfers about 84MCM/y in average to those cities. Also for maintaining the ecosystem of   river  at  the end of  salty area  a  conveyer  pipe  of  650 lit/sec capacity delivers  sweet  water to this  river during at least 8 dry months of the  area  with annual average delivery of  about 11 MCM/y. For arable lands  about 35 MCM/y  in average  rate  is  specified. The  limitation of  irrigation  water  is firstly due to  the  value of drinking  water in the  arid and  dry zone with high  difficulty of providing  driving  water.

b)  Location  of   Irrigation  land with  pressurized system : 

      The  arable  lands  are  located at Checkup,  Ahmad-abad and  Dehram  area  These  lands  are  in a  distance between 25 to 30km from  Dehrud  village  and   actually  they are  without  water.  By  some  exception  of some land owners  are  suing water  wells   which  are not   with a  suitable   water  quality   and   quantity

      However,  about 4500. ha. net arable lands are selected to receive suitable  water from conveyer route from Haigher Dam to south Region. This conveyer  route includes: Dehroud Regulating Dam + Conveyer tunnel of internal Dia. of 3m with entrance  elevation at 845m, and its exit, at 840m at the end of  runnel a  regulating  pool of 8000m3 is located with bottom elevation of 835m. The conveyer  pipeline with 2f1600 mm is branching,  for  transfer of  water with  a  capacity  of  7Cms from  this  pool. 

      At km of 13.3 another Forebay  pond   at  elevation  about 815 m.  is   located. From this second pool the Irrigation pipelines and water  releasing   for  ecosystem  are  branching,  which  results  the  outlet  of  pipeline  with  capacity  of 3.6 Cms  to  convey directly  the water  for  southern  cities  as  mentioned   above. 

      This  potable pipeline  has  dia . f1800mm  and  continue  in  about 162km to  reach " Jam city ". At km 133.1 the Branch of water to Ala-Marvdasht,  is  connected  to Main pipeline the at  km  about km. 140 another  branch for  Lamerd   and  Mohr area  is connected  to  main pipeline. From  this  point  diameter of   main  pipeline is reduced to f1400 mm whit  capacity of  2.2 Cms to deliver water  to Jam  City.  As far as,  the  pipeline  of  Jam  city shall  crosses the  elevation of   730m  and  due  to friction  loss of  water head,  Pump station with  head of 140m is  designed  to  lift  the water  to a  regulating  pool at  El.750m to  deliver the water  to Jam City with gravity action. Total distance of  pipeline from  outlet  of   Tunnel to Jam  City is  about  176 km.


History  and objective  of  project


1) previous  study of  Haigher  Dam  project:   

      Feasibility  study of  Haigher  Dam  and water  conveyer  system  was  carried  out   by  Ab-Niru  Consultant  Engineering  Company  under contract  award of 407/2102 dated   21/Dec. /1991, given   by   Fars   Regional  water   authority. 

      In the previous  investigation, Feasibility study was  achieved  in 1994  for  conveyer  system of  irrigation and potable water to Farrashband city.  But during verification and approval of the  project in 1997, the water conveyer system to  Farrashband  was changed to provide  water for southern  part of  Fars province.  Hence, due  to lack  of  budget  detailed design of  this  project  was started since  September of 2004. Now,  all  reports & drawings of  this complex  design  was delivered  to  the owner in September  2007.


2)  Qualitative   and  quantities  objective  of   project: 

      a) to store  and regulate  discharge of Firuz-abad river at  Haigher dam site  for  average  annual  yield  of  129.6 MCM/y.


      b) to improve  and  develop  irrigation  of  4500 ha  net area  of Dehrram  (3500 ha) and  Ahmad-abad  (1000 ha ) with  average  annual  supply of  35 MCM/year.


      c) to   construct conveyer  water  route  system  including: :

      Dehrud  Regulating Dam + Tunnel route  of  5.25 Km  length with  two access adits,  conveyer  pipe  of 175 km length and  Jam Pump  station  to deliver annual  average  84.2 MCM to   Ala-Mardaht, Lamerd,   Mohr  and   Jam  city.


      d) to improve water quality of  river  by releasing the ecosystem demand  of 
 Firuz-abad  river after  salt domes,  during  about  9 months  of  low  discharge of  river  water.


      e) to increase  highly  the  income of  agricultures of  the  region  by  sufficient water 5 supply and Mechanized  Irrigation  system. 


      f) to increase the number of employment  by  agriculture development  and auxiliary  industries  to  prevent  immigration  of   villagers  to  cities .


      g) to  improve local  climate and ecosystem of the Reservoir of  980 ha. Surface  area  and 227Million cubic metre for Reservoir capacity. By this large reservoir the development  of  warm  water fisheries  should  be  expected.


      Companies involved  in the  study and   investigation   of  this Project :

1) Ab-Niru  consultant  Engineering Company  ( for   phase  I  &  II   study) 

2)  Naghsh- tarsim  Millad Co. for  surveying and   drawings  of  whole  Regions   . 

3) Khak-Azma Consultant Eng. For Geotechnical  investigation of phase II) 

4) Pay-Kav  Consultant  Eng.  For  phase I  Geotechnical  investigation.       









6)  Technical  specification of  Project :

       a)  Generals

       - Catchments  area  to  dam-site (  sub-basin )             : 918  Km2

       -  average  height  of   basin                                                        :  1614  m

       -  highest  point of   mountains                                                   :  3100  m

       - river   bed   elevation at   dam site                                          :  1103  m

       - Average  annual   rainfall  over  Basin                                    :  530 mm

       - Average  annual  evaporation   from  lake   surface    : 2023 mm

       - probable   Max.  Precipitation  ( PMP)                                  : 394 mm/day

       - peak Flood   discharge    with  1000 yr  return  period          :  2510 m 3/ sec                    - peak  Flood  discharge with   10,000 yr  return  period    : 3670 m 3/ sec

       - P.M.F.  Peak  discharge                                                            : 6377 m 3/ sec

       - Sediment   Cummulation   for   50 years                               : 25 MCM


       5-2)  Dam  Data :

a)  Dam   body

       - Dam type  RCC with  total   volume                           = 275,000 m 3 

       -  dam  height  from river  bed                                       = 76 m

       -  dam  height   from  foundation                                               = 90 m

       - Normal  water   level                                                    = 1175 m

       - Max. water  level                                                                      = 1178 m

       - Crest   elevation                                                                       = 1179 m

       - Min   water  level  ( intake   level )                                         = 1130 m

       - dead   storage                                                                            =  12 MCM

       - Life  storage                                                                             = 215 MCM

       - Reservoir  Capacity  at  N.W.L (1175m )                              = 227 MCM

       - Alluvium  max.   thickness  at   dam site                                = 11 m

       - Crest  length                                                                 =  200 m

       - Crest  width                                                                   =  5 m

       - lake  area  at  NWL                                                       = 980 ha

       - lake   area  at  Max.  W.L                                             = 1130 ha 

       - Lake  Vol.  at  Max W.L                                               = 265 MCM

       - D/S slope                                                                      = 1.V: 0.7 H

       - Dam  volume  ( RCC+CVC)                                        =  275,000 m3

       - Exaction  of   dam  foundation & abutments = 157,000 m3

       - Rock   exaction of  at dam  site                                   = 130,000 m3


b ) Diversion  Tunnel   and    water  intake

       - Tunnel, Internal  dia.                                                     = 6.5 m

       - Length                                                                           = 290 m

       - All  excavation                                                              = 60,000 m3

       - Concrete  vol.  ( Reinforced )                                     = 14,000 m3

       - reinforcement                                                               = 660 ton

       - Diversion  flood   capacity                                          = 560 m 3/ sec

       - Water  intake   level                                                     = 1430 m

          Pipe   dia.                                                                      f 1600 mm

c)  spillway ( quated  spillway )                           : on Dam  body

       - reinforced  concrete  vol.                                            = 6,000 m3

       - ogee  crest  length                                                        = 3´10 m

       - ogee  crest   elevation                                                  = 1165 m

       - Spillway  Capacity  at   Max. Level                             = 3390 m 3/ sec

            ( about  PMF  routed ) 



d )  grouting galleries       

       - Crest   galleries    length                                              =  300 m

       - Lower   gallery  &  dia.                                                = 910 m (  3m dia )

       - saft                                                                                 = 2´62 = 124 m


e) bottom  outlet  at  N.W.L                                              = 52.6 m 3/ sec

       - intake  capacity  at   N.W.L                                         = 8.5 m 3/ sec

          with  pipe  of  f 1600 mm                              


f)  water tightening   system  : 

       -  Cut off  wall for   cofferdam                                      = 1800  m 2

       -  drilling – grouting  of   curtain   grouting                 = 60,000 mL

       -  Consolidation   grouting                                             = 18,000 mL 



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  • کاربران آنلاین : 14
  • بیشترین بازدید همزمان : 399
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  • آخرین به روزرسانی : 17 بهمن 1403 11:37:15
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  • آدرس : شیراز، بلوار ارم، شرکت سهامی آب منطقه‌ای فارس
  • کدپستی : 7143683685
  • تلفن : 07132252093
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